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    • To ensure that you do not lose track of things during your literature research, it is helpful to document it. This means you can avoid having to conduct the same search more than once or forgetting a possible search query.

      Ideally, you should already use a reference management system such as Zotero (Moodle course Literaturverwaltung mit Zotero) during your research so that you have a collection of all the documents you have found in one place.

    • Search protocol

      To document your research, you can, for example, use the templates provided by the ZHAW University Library below.

      Where did you search?

      Record the search tool you used: ZHAW swisscovery, a specialist database, Google Scholar, etc.

      How did you search?

      Which search terms did you use for your search query and with which techniques did you combine them with?

      What hits did your search generate?

      How many hits did your search query generate? Assess whether it makes sense to look through the generated hits individually (e.g. read the abstracts) or whether you can further narrow down the search in order to reduce the number of hits.

    •  Problems with the number of hits and possible solutions

      Too many hits?
      Too few hits?