Academic publication types
Completion requirements
Citation style used: APA 7th Edition
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D |
Dissertation, thesisDissertations / theses are detailed academic papers that address a specific issue. Doctoral and habilitation theses both fall under this category. In some cases, dissertations are also understood to include other papers produced for the attainment of an academic degree, including diploma, Bachelor's and Master's theses. Bachelor's and Master's theses can primarily be found as electronic documents in repositories.
Kienast, M. (2017). Akquisition von Schweizer Direktinvestitionen: Die Rolle der ausländischen Investitionsförderungs-Organisationen [Bachelor's thesis, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften].
Noser, E. (2017). Facial appearance and its association with bio-psychosocial parameters in healthy men [Dissertation, Universität Zürich]. Süsstrunk, S. (2017). Am Arbeitsplatz über die psychische Krankheit reden oder nicht: Eine Nutzen-Risiko-Abwägung [Master's thesis, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften]. Habilitation (post-doctoral) and doctoral dissertations, on the other hand, are also published by publishing houses in the form of monographs. Rehwaldt,
R. (2017). Die glückliche Organisation: Chancen und Hürden für positive Psychologie im Unternehmen. Springer Gabler. | |