Academic publication types
Citation style used: APA 7th Edition
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
B |
Blog postBlog posts are freely accessible scientific communication channels made available on the web. Exchanges between the author and other individuals are made possible via the comments section. The aim is to facilitate the quick and open access dissemination of research findings or to allow for the presentation and discussion of argumentative positions on a specific scientific topic.
Gkikopoulos, P. (2020, March 10). Deploying to the Cloud. Service Prototyping Lab (SPLAB).
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C |
Commentary, legal commentaryIn law, legal commentaries are explanations of the paragraphs or articles contained in one or more laws for use in practice or for the purpose of study.
Richner, F., Frei, W., Kaufmann, S., & Rohner, T. F. (2021). Kommentar zum Zürcher Steuergesetz (4. Aufl.). Verlag Zürcher Steuerrecht.
Print version in ZHAW swisscovery Publication form: monograph | |
Conference report, conference transcript, proceedingsConference reports / conference transcripts / proceedings contain the written versions of presentations held at an event.
Koch, M., Butz, A., & Schlichter, J. (Eds.). (2014). Mensch und Computer 2014 – Tagungsband. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Formal publication type: edited volume Conference contributions can, however, also appear in journals.
Majerský, O. (2020). Highlights of top-quark properties measurements at the ATLAS experiment. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 309–311, 22–29.
In repositories or when searching in Google Scholar, you may come across the preprint or postprint version of a conference contribution.
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D |
Dissertation, thesisDissertations / theses are detailed academic papers that address a specific issue. Doctoral and habilitation theses both fall under this category. In some cases, dissertations are also understood to include other papers produced for the attainment of an academic degree, including diploma, Bachelor's and Master's theses. Bachelor's and Master's theses can primarily be found as electronic documents in repositories.
Kienast, M. (2017). Akquisition von Schweizer Direktinvestitionen: Die Rolle der ausländischen Investitionsförderungs-Organisationen [Bachelor's thesis, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften].
Noser, E. (2017). Facial appearance and its association with bio-psychosocial parameters in healthy men [Dissertation, Universität Zürich]. Süsstrunk, S. (2017). Am Arbeitsplatz über die psychische Krankheit reden oder nicht: Eine Nutzen-Risiko-Abwägung [Master's thesis, ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften]. Habilitation (post-doctoral) and doctoral dissertations, on the other hand, are also published by publishing houses in the form of monographs. Rehwaldt,
R. (2017). Die glückliche Organisation: Chancen und Hürden für positive Psychologie im Unternehmen. Springer Gabler. | |
E |
Edited volume, contribution in an edited volumeIn edited volumes or collective works, individual chapters/contributions/articles are written by different authors. Editors (which can also be institutions) compile these into a complete work. The individual contributions relate to a common theme and can treat it from different perspectives. ZHAW swisscovery, for example, is suitable for searching for academic books (monographs, collective works, etc.). Figure: Edited volume cover and the most important bibliographic information for the contribution (Zotero screenshot)
Gieselmann, A. (2015). Auf dem Weg zu nutzergerechten internetbasierten Interventionen: Welche Bedürfnisse haben unsere Patienten1? In A. Weisbecker, M. Burmester, & A. Schmidt (Eds.), Mensch und Computer 2015 – Workshopband (pp. 133–136).
De Gruyter.
In repositories or when searching in Google Scholar, you may come across the preprint or postprint version of a contribution in an edited volume.
Publication genres in the form of edited volumes (list not exhaustive): handbooks, encyclopaedias / dictionaries, conference reports / conference transcripts / proceedings, essays | |
Encyclopaedia, dictionaryEncyclopaedias / dictionaries are alphabetically arranged reference works for terms used in individual or several scientific disciplines. They help you to gain an overview of a topic, define a term or find keywords for your search. Electronic reference works, sorted according to subject area, can be found on the University Library website.
Entire volume:
Liu, L., & Özsu, M. T. (Eds.). (2018). Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer. Contribution from the volume: Hastings, J. T., & Hill, L. L. (2018). Georeferencing. In L. Liu & M. T. Özsu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Database Systems (pp. 1616–1620). Springer. Publication form: edited volume, contribution in an edited volume | |
EssayEssays raise research questions and represent a subjective viewpoint or highlight individual cases in an argumentative manner.
Barley, S. R. (2006). When I Write My Masterpiece: Thoughts On What Makes A Paper Interesting. Academy of Management Journal, 49(1), 16–20.
Bruyn, G. de. (2014). Fisch und Frosch oder die Selbstkritik der Moderne: Ein architekturtheoretischer Essay. Birkhäuser. Junginger, S. (2020). A Short Essay on Designing for Complexity and Agile Governance. In S. Foraita, B. Herlo, & A. Vogelsang (Eds.), Matters of Communication - Formen und Materialitäten gestalteter Kommunikation (pp. 249–253). transcript Verlag. Publication form: journal article, monograph, contribution in an edited volume | |
H |
HandbookHandbooks are reference works with detailed entries on terms and concepts of a (sub-)discipline.
Arnold, P., Kilian, L., Thillosen, A., & Zimmer, G. M. (2013). Handbuch E-Learning (3. Aufl.). wbv Publikation. Thiessen, A. (Ed.). (2014). Handbuch Krisenmanagement (2. Aufl.). Springer VS. Publication form: monograph, edited volume | |
J |
Journals and journal articlesA journal appears periodically (monthly, quarterly, etc.) and contains articles from various authors on a specific field. Historically, journals established themselves in the academic world because their regular publication meant that new findings could be disseminated more quickly than is the case with books. In order to ensure the quality of academic articles, they are often subjected to a peer review process. This peer review process determines the general acceptance or rejection of a research paper and provides the authors with instructions for corrections and additions that must be made prior to publication. Just how rigorously articles are rejected in practice as well as the procedure and criteria applied for the peer review process vary from journal to journal. Journals (electronic and print) are listed in the ZHAW swisscovery university catalogue.
Figure: Cover and the most important bibliographic information (Zotero screenshot)
Vlachakis, K., Beyer, A., & Vayas, I. (2021). Tragverhalten von Fachwerkmasten aus Winkelprofilen. Stahlbau, 90(6), 425–440.
In repostories or when searching in Google Scholar, you may come across the preprint or postprint version of a journal article.
Publication genres in the form of journal articles: primary research, narrative or systematic reviews, meta-analyses, conference contributions, essays | |
M |
Meta-analysis | |
MonographMonographs are books that have been written jointly by all of the listed authors. A monograph focuses on a topic and, generally speaking, addresses this in a comprehensive and conclusive manner. You are thus able to gain an overview and deepen your knowledge on a broad basis. ZHAW swisscovery, for example, is suitable for searching for academic books (monographs, collective works, etc.).
Döring, N., & Bortz, J. (2016). Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial- und Humanwissenschaften (5. Aufl.). Springer.
Publication genres in the form of monographs (list not exhaustive): textbooks, handbooks, practical guides, essays, legal commentaries | |
N |
Narrative review | |
P |
Practical guidePractical guides translate research results into recommendations that can be implemented in practice.
Bosley, I., & Kasten, E. (2020). Emotionale Intelligenz bei Kindern fördern: Ein Elternratgeber mit interaktiven Geschichten, Übungen und Spielen. Springer.
FPublication form: monograph | |
Preprint and postprintThe SHERPA/RoMEO database makes the following distinction: preprints are all versions of an article that were written prior to the peer review, while postprints are all versions after the peer review process has been completed. Preprint and postprint versions of published articles can also be found in the ZHAW digitalcollection, the repository of the ZHAW. Submitted version, preprint:
Ehrensberger-Dow, M. (2018). Chapter 5.2 process research. ZHAW digitalcollection.
Räber, M., Heinzelmann, A., & Oliapuram, J. (2019). Analysis of a three-phase AC chopper with high power factor for the use in “PV-to-Heat” applications. ZHAW digitalcollection. Röcker, B., Rüegg, N., Glöss, A. N., Yeretzian, C., & Yildirim, S. (2017). Inactivation of palladium-based oxygen scavenger system by volatile sulphur compounds present in the headspace of packaged food. ZHAW digitalcollection. Accepted version, author accepted manuscript, postprint (not in published layout):
Nicoletti, C., & Läubli, T. (2018). Leg and back muscle activity, heart rate, performance and comfort during sitting, standing, and using a sit-stand-support with different seat angles. ZHAW digitalcollection.
Wildi, M., & Bundi, N. A. (2019). Bitcoin and market-(in)efficiency: A systematic time series approach. ZHAW digitalcollection. In accordance with the APA 7th edition, the repository where the text was found is stated rather than the publication in which an article or contribution appeared when citing preprint and postprint versions. Source: What are the differences between preprint and postprint versions? (2017). ZB MED - Publication Portal for Life Sciences. | |
Primary researchPrimary research is empirical, methodological, hermeneutical, historical or theoretical consideration of a particular research question or hypothesis.
Eid, R., Elbeltagi, I., & Zairi, M. (2006). Making Business-to-Business International Internet Marketing Effective: A Study of Critical Factors Using a Case-Study Approach. Journal of International Marketing, 14(4), 87–109.
Kalhoff, H., Schmidt, I. V., Heindl, I., Kunert, J., & Kersting, M. (2021). Feeding frozen complementary foods promotes food acceptance in infants: The randomized intervention trial Baby Gourmet. Nutrition Research, 87, 49–56. Publication form: journal article | |
Proceedings | |
R |
Research reportResearch reports describe the current status or results of a research project, joint projects or the research activities of an entire organisation. They are prepared by research institutions at universities or companies and are commissioned by government agencies, international organisations, research funding institutions and businesses. They are primarily published in repositories and on websites.
Eisner, M., Ribeaud, D., & Locher, R. (2009). Prävention von Jugendgewalt: Forschungsbericht zuhanden des Bundesamtes für Sozialversicherungen (Expertenbericht Nr. 05/09; Beiträge zur sozialen Sicherheit). Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen.
Leuenberger, T., Glaser, M., Christensen, L., & Birrer, A. (2018). Sozialwissenschaftliche Begleitstudie zur Solaren Fitness- und Wellnessunit (SFW) im NEST an der Empa Dübendorf. Bundesamt für Energie.
Pethes, N. (2003). Literatur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Ein Forschungsbericht. Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (IASL), 28(1), 181–231.
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Review, research synthesisReviews summarise findings from several comparable primary research studies. There are various kinds of reviews that differ in terms of the methodology applied.
Pieper, D., Ober, P., Dressler, C., Schmidt, S., Mathes, T., & Becker, M. (2019). Effizientere Leitlinienerstellung – eine narrative Übersichtsarbeit. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen, 146, 1–6.
Systematic reviews aim to incorporate all relevant literature on a subject. The methodological approach is disclosed transparently (where exactly what was searched for and which selection and evaluation criteria were applied).
Jungjohann, J., Gegenfurtner, A., & Gebhardt, M. (2018). Systematisches Review von Lernverlaufsmessung im Bereich der frühen Leseflüssigkeit. Empirische Sonderpädagogik, 10(1), 100–118.
Meta-analyses evaluate the results of primary research studies using statistical methods in order to derive greater explanatory power from the results. To make this possible, all relevant literature must first be searched for as well. The process is also presented here in a transparent and comprehensible manner.
Schudey, A. P., Jensen, O., & Kraiczy, N. D. (2016). "Made in?" – Eine Metaanalyse multidimensionaler Country-of-Origin Effekte. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 68(1), 47–74.
Publication form: journal article Source: Ressing, M., Blettner, M., & Klug, S. J. (2009). Systematische Übersichtsarbeiten und Metaanalysen. Deutsches Aerzteblatt, 106(27), 456–463. | |
S |
Systematic review | |
T |
TextbookTextbooks provide a summary of the current state of knowledge on a scientific sub-field for study purposes and are didactically appropriate.
Degen, H. & Lorenscheid, P. (2012). Statistik-Lehrbuch: Methoden der Statistik im wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bachelor-Studium (4. korr. Aufl). Oldenbourg.
Publication form: monograph | |
Thesis | |
W |
Working paperWorking papers are preliminary scientific or technical papers published in a series by the institution where the research is taking place. They are primarily published in repositories and on websites.
Gerber, N. (2016). LemoS 3.0 – Leistungszuordnungsmodell für nichtmedizinische Supportleistungen in Spitälern angepasst an neue Erkenntnisse (Working Paper des Instituts für Facility Management). ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Sturm, J.-E., Pleninger, R., & de Haan, J. (2019). The "Forgotten" Middle Class: An Analysis of the Effects of Globalisation (KOF Working Papers, 466). KOF Konjunkturforschungsstelle, ETH Zürich. Source: Arbeitsgruppe Elektronisches Publizieren DINI, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, & Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg. (2010). Gemeinsames Vokabular für Publikations- und Dokumenttypen. Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation
(DINI). | |