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Literature research
Publication types
Academic publication types
Academic publication types
Systematic review
Review, research synthesis
Academic publication types
◄ Video: Tips for distinguishing between a book and an article (InfoTrack, University of Geneva))
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Video: Selecting & Using Keywords ( Krueger Library - Winona State University )
Lexical field / Search terms form
Video: Forward & Backward Searching: Using Citation Searches for Literature Reviews (Andersen Library, UW-Whitewater)
Video: PICO: A Model for Evidence Based Research (Binghamton University Libraries)
RefHunter, das Manual zur Literaturrecherche in Fachdatenbanken aus dem Themenbereich Gesundheit
Book tip: Mayer, H., Kobleder, A., Raphaelis, S., & Kleibel, V. (2021). Literaturreviews für Gesundheitsberufe : Recherchieren – Bewerten – Erstellen (1. Auflage). Facultas.
Video: Welcome to swisscovery?
Videos on the use of ZHAW swisscovery
Discipline-specific information at the ZHAW University Library
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E-book platforms
E-journal plattforms (in German)
What AI tools for literature research are available and what needs to be considered? (TaskCards)
Examples of thesauri of different databases
Video: Tips for distinguishing between a book and an article (InfoTrack, University of Geneva))
Rechercheprotokoll (Vorlage)
Rechercheprotokoll (Vorlage) ►
Barrierefreiheitserklärung ZHAW Moodle