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Edited volume, contribution in an edited volume

In edited volumes or collective works, individual chapters/contributions/articles are written by different authors. Editors (which can also be institutions) compile these into a complete work. The individual contributions relate to a common theme and can treat it from different perspectives.

ZHAW swisscovery, for example, is suitable for searching for academic books (monographs, collective works, etc.).

Book cover        Zotero screenshot

Figure: Edited volume cover and the most important bibliographic information for the contribution (Zotero screenshot)

Gieselmann, A. (2015). Auf dem Weg zu nutzergerechten internetbasierten Interventionen: Welche Bedürfnisse haben unsere Patienten1? In A. Weisbecker, M. Burmester, & A. Schmidt (Eds.), Mensch und Computer 2015 – Workshopband (pp. 133–136). De Gruyter.

In repositories or when searching in Google Scholar, you may come across the preprint or postprint version of a contribution in an edited volume.

Publication genres in the form of edited volumes (list not exhaustive): handbooks, encyclopaedias / dictionaries, conference reports / conference transcripts / proceedings, essays

Encyclopaedia, dictionary

Encyclopaedias / dictionaries are alphabetically arranged reference works for terms used in individual or several scientific disciplines. They help you to gain an overview of a topic, define a term or find keywords for your search.

Electronic reference works, sorted according to subject area, can be found on the University Library website.

Entire volume:
Liu, L., & Özsu, M. T. (Eds.). (2018). Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer.
Contribution from the volume:
Hastings, J. T., & Hill, L. L. (2018). Georeferencing. In L. Liu & M. T. Özsu (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Database Systems (pp. 1616–1620). Springer.

Publication form: edited volume, contribution in an edited volume


Essays raise research questions and represent a subjective viewpoint or highlight individual cases in an argumentative manner.

Barley, S. R. (2006). When I Write My Masterpiece: Thoughts On What Makes A Paper Interesting. Academy of Management Journal, 49(1), 16–20.

Bruyn, G. de. (2014). Fisch und Frosch oder die Selbstkritik der Moderne: Ein architekturtheoretischer Essay. Birkhäuser.

Junginger, S. (2020). A Short Essay on Designing for Complexity and Agile Governance. In S. Foraita, B. Herlo, & A. Vogelsang (Eds.), Matters of Communication - Formen und Materialitäten gestalteter Kommunikation (pp. 249–253). transcript Verlag.

Publication form: journal article, monograph, contribution in an edited volume