G: Design-Thinking Workshop mit Studierenden aus der ganzen Schweiz

G: Design-Thinking Workshop mit Studierenden aus der ganzen Schweiz

von Lisa Messenzehl-Kölbl (R Lehr- und Forschungspersonal) -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Flyer EduSpace Challenge

The EduSpace Challenge is a special student track at the next Eduhub Days, the flagship E-Learning conference of Swiss Higher Education institutions, which will take place in Winterthur on February 7-8, 2024. Twenty students from across Switzerland are invited to spend a day and a half designing their ideal learning spaces in small groups, accompanied by professional coaches. How will that work? The students will craft their learning spaces with materials like paper and glue! At the end, they pitch their artifacts, and the best idea is rewarded. Participants get hands-on experience with the Design Thinking method, enhance their skills, and network with fellow students and conference attendees. The entire participation is free – covering transportation, accommodation, and meals! No prior experience is necessary, and we aim for a diverse group of students (gender, age, field of study, etc.). There will be a Kick-off-Meeting Online on Monday, January 15th, 5-6 pm. All selected students are required to participate in this Kick-off, where they will familiarize themselves with the topic “learning spaces” and the design thinking method. The EduSpace Challenge is conducted in English. The selection process is based on the information provided in the application form. Applications are open until December 10, 2023.

Apply here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=O4fJiGUwoEKfPKyGTArHiFfo9lkbjhJBp9nkQ4efERtUN1k0R0hMNEMzOEw0V09CVTFUQ0szQTE0Mi4u&origin=QR-Code