Enrolment options

Welcome in PHYMET - an intensive course in (aeronautical) meteorology

The spoken language and most written sources such as the lecture notes (slides) and the recommended books in this course are in English. Questions may of course be asked in German.

Find more details on these topics in the Information folder (top left), where you also can find the declaration about the exams. Please read ALL information documents before the first lecture.


08.09.2022: Updated version

Reminder to look into whenever possible:
http://earth.nullschool.net/    (click on text "earth" for choosing different parameters and altitudes)
and of course http://www.meteoschweiz.admin.ch , http://www.wetterzentrale.de/ and http://www.meteociel.fr/
plus the apps of MeteoSwiss, WeatherPro and AeroWeather on your smartphones. 

Additionally, take a look at the new cloud atlas from the WMO: 


The details for a week are commented in a preview with some preliminary material (lecture notes and recommended reading). Please have a look into these announcements well before the lecture.

Self enrolment (ZHAW Studierende)
Self enrolment (ZHAW Studierende)