Enrolment options

Principles and Applications of the IoT covers the following topics:

Course Content
  • Internet-of-Things
    • Introduction, fundamental properties, types of applications, types of devices, system architecture
    • Business centered approach: From ‘connecting things’ to ‘taking actions’.
  • Resource-constrained devices
    • Embedded systems, MEMS sensors (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)
  • Communication Basics
    • Layering, accessing resources through the Internet (IP/TCP/HTTP)
  • Connecting Resource-Constrained Devices to the Internet
    • Wireless Sensor Networks with Gateways, Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
  • Service Platforms (Cloud)
    • Processing and storage, databases, visualization, device management
  • Personal Networks
    • Connecting devices to your smartphone: Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Smart Commercial Buildings
    • Challenges and selected technologies: WiFi, Thread, Bluetooth Mesh
  • Smart Factories
    • Challenges and selected technologies: Real-time Ethernet, Time Sensitive Networks (TSN), 5G, OPC-UA
  • Smart Cities and precision farming
    • Challenges and selected technologies: LoRaWAN, NB-IoT (Narrow Band-IoT), Sub-GHz technologies
  • IT-Security in the context of IoT
    • Threats and countermeasures
5 labs in groups of 2
  • Wireless communication Basics
  • Wireless LAN connectivity
  • Structuring and accessing data: CoAP, MQTT, connecting Sensors to a database and visualization
  • Industrial IoT and OPC-UA
  • IoT Security: Threat modelling

The course language is English. Target audience are BSc students in the last year from degree programs other than IT and ET.

Self enrolment (ZHAW Studierende)
Self enrolment (ZHAW Studierende)