Welcome to Artificial Intelligence
One of the most popular elective module of B.Sc. IT in recent years, the most fashionable topic in industry at the moment (2022), and the most fascinating subject in computer science (personal opinion).
Introduction, general educational objectives, terms & conditions
--> see "Information, Terms and Conditions" below
Semester schedule (HS 2022 Winterthur / Zurich)
Your instructors
- Lectures: Dr. Frank-Peter Schilling (ZH), Prof. Dr. Thilo Stadelmann (Win)
- Labs: Dr. Frank-Peter Schilling, Prof. Dr. Thilo Stadelmann, Mohammadreza Amirian
Attention: Materials (lecture slides & lab descriptions) will change slightly (also content-wise) until directly before the presentation, and probably a last time directly after (due to fixed typos and layout).
Hints: Here's a companion website hosting a link to video recordings of the lectures in HS 2018 (in German). Please acknowledge that this is a best-effort offer, and no editing etc. has taken place. It is thus very unsuitable as a replacement for visiting the lecture, but maybe helpful in following up a lecture you already attended. Additionally, you might be interested in the video "KI1: Exam Preparation HS 2018" on our YouTube channel that recorded the exam preparation session after lecture 12 in HS 2018.
- ZHAW Teacher: Frank-Peter Schilling (T Lehr- und Forschungspersonal)
- ZHAW Teacher: Thilo Stadelmann (T Professor)