Diagrama de temas

  • Intercultural Competences for Outgoing Students

    Welcome to ICOS Course!

    ICOS is an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary module for students who wish to enhance their intercultural competence during their outgoing semester. The module consists of a pre-departure workshop, a critical incident to investigate and deal with in tandems during the semester abroad and a reflective workshop after re-entry.


    Verena Langlotz Kondzic (School of Health Sciences)

    Dilyara Müller-Suleymanova (School of Social Work)

    Dates for HS2024

    Pre-departure Day: 4. September 2024 (Wednesday) 

    9.00-17.00 (hybrid)

    zoom Link wird nach der Anmeldung geschickt

    Re-entry Day: 12. December 2024 (Thursday)

    9.00-17.00 (hybrid)

    Anmeldefrist: 12. August 2024.

    • Einschreibung läuft über die Koordinator*innen Internationales an den jeweiligen Departementen - elektronische Anmeldung über Moodle nicht möglich

  • Concept and program

    • The concept is in German but will be available in English in February 21.

  • During outgoing

  • Pre-departure Day

  • Re-entry