Modular Toolbox for Digital Learning Units in Molecular Biology

This Moodle course serves as a toolbox for digital learning units in molecular biology, designed in a modular format. These units aim to help Master's students in IUNR or ACLS acquire essential fundamentals without requiring extensive prior knowledge. Simultaneously, they provide foundational knowledge for Bachelor's programs in UI and ADLS, with potential extensions to LM, BT, and CH. The learning units can be individually combined into a coherent personal learning path on the Moodle e-learning platform. This allows students to learn specific content flexibly and according to their personal needs.

Modular Toolbox for Digital Learning Units in Molecular Biology

This Moodle course serves as a toolbox for digital learning units in molecular biology, designed in a modular format. These units aim to help Master's students in IUNR or ACLS acquire essential fundamentals without requiring extensive prior knowledge. Simultaneously, they provide foundational knowledge for Bachelor's programs in UI and ADLS, with potential extensions to LM, BT, and CH. The learning units can be individually combined into a coherent personal learning path on the Moodle e-learning platform. This allows students to learn specific content flexibly and according to their personal needs.

Entfesseln Sie das Potenzial Ihrer Lehre mit Generativer KI

Entdecken Sie die Möglichkeiten, wie generative Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) Ihre Lehrtätigkeit revolutionieren kann! Unser Self-Study-Online-Kurs "Generative KI in der Hochschullehre" richtet sich an ambitionierte Dozierende, die ihre Lehre auf das nächste Level heben möchten. In vier spannenden Modulen erhalten Sie theoretisches Wissen, praxisnahe Beispiele und konkrete Anwendungstipps, um KI-Tools effektiv in Ihre Lehrveranstaltungen zu integrieren. Lernen Sie, wie Sie mit generativer KI Lehrmaterialien erstellen, Lehrveranstaltungen planen und innovative Assessments gestalten können. Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit, um Ihre Lehre zu optimieren und mehr Zeit für Ihre Studierenden zu gewinnen.