Sunday, 16 February 2025, 6:53 AM
Site: Moodle Lernplattform der ZHAW
Course: Literature research (Literature research)
Glossary: Academic publication types

Journals and journal articles

A journal appears periodically (monthly, quarterly, etc.) and contains articles from various authors on a specific field. Historically, journals established themselves in the academic world because their regular publication meant that new findings could be disseminated more quickly than is the case with books.

In order to ensure the quality of academic articles, they are often subjected to a peer review process. This peer review process determines the general acceptance or rejection of a research paper and provides the authors with instructions for corrections and additions that must be made prior to publication. Just how rigorously articles are rejected in practice as well as the procedure and criteria applied for the peer review process vary from journal to journal.

Journals (electronic and print) are listed in the ZHAW swisscovery university catalogue.
You can find journal articles in ZHAW swisscovery, in specialist databases and academic search engines such as Google Scholar.

Journal cover     Screenshot Zotero

Figure: Cover and the most important bibliographic information (Zotero screenshot)

Vlachakis, K., Beyer, A., & Vayas, I. (2021). Tragverhalten von Fachwerkmasten aus Winkelprofilen. Stahlbau, 90(6), 425–440.

In repostories or when searching in Google Scholar, you may come across the preprint or postprint version of a journal article.