Sunday, 16 February 2025, 7:30 AM
Site: Moodle Lernplattform der ZHAW
Course: Literature research (Literature research)
Glossary: Academic publication types
Commentary, legal commentaryIn law, legal commentaries are explanations of the paragraphs or articles contained in one or more laws for use in practice or for the purpose of study.
Richner, F., Frei, W., Kaufmann, S., & Rohner, T. F. (2021). Kommentar zum Zürcher Steuergesetz (4. Aufl.). Verlag Zürcher Steuerrecht.
Print version in ZHAW swisscovery Publication form: monograph |
Conference report, conference transcript, proceedingsConference reports / conference transcripts / proceedings contain the written versions of presentations held at an event.
Koch, M., Butz, A., & Schlichter, J. (Eds.). (2014). Mensch und Computer 2014 – Tagungsband. De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
Formal publication type: edited volume Conference contributions can, however, also appear in journals.
Majerský, O. (2020). Highlights of top-quark properties measurements at the ATLAS experiment. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, 309–311, 22–29.
In repositories or when searching in Google Scholar, you may come across the preprint or postprint version of a conference contribution.